In 2017 tens of thousands of patients in need of Medicinal Cannabis in the state of Florida were finally given access to remedies to ease their long-term suffering. Here is one story among the chorus of those that can't or have the ability to speak up.


By Rosemary Maseri. 420 Activist and Patient




I wake up every day, stretch out my body and Thank God for a new day of life.  I immediately take a “conscience tour” of my entire body. Within seconds I can feel the accumulated pains from a restless night and thus starts my day.....Every day.  

I have a number of ailments these days. Years ago I began to notice pains here and there but at first, they were minor pains, the ones that creep on with age. But one after another they became prevalent and after a few years, chronic.  Nowadays I suffer from at least five chronic ailments. I begin to place a couple of drops to ease the symptoms of my increasing glaucoma.  The drops are expensive and their application....painful. The burning sensation digs into my eyes for a good 3-5 minutes before I can continue with my morning routine.

I quickly move on and deal with all the pills I have to take. It is a combination of anti-seizure medicine with my anti-anxiety medication and finally preventative migraine medications.  By that time I start to see if I will be able to perform my daily tasks which for the most part, I am able to complete.

I step in front to my bathroom sink mirror and look at the face staring back. At times a stranger, far removed from the youthful appearance I had twenty years ago before being diagnosed with MS.

It's been a long daily struggle with no end or improvement in sight. The only thing an MS patient can look forward to is to slow down the effects of this crippling disease that derailed our once productive lives. You can't begin to imagine how desperate I felt for immediate answers to my health issues.  Month after month dealing with something else that the MS degenerates. I've tried to sit down, think about writing my thoughts out but my mind starts to scramble and it seems that I don't make sense of what I am trying to get across. This is frustrating because you know you're not crazy just a bit garbled in your mind.  Halfway through the day I may have failed to complete half my chores and fall into a deep depression. All patients reading this can relate to what I am writing about. We all understand the physical and emotional pain of seeing our bodies and minds flat line. You are not alone.

Millions of patients suffer from these and thousands of othere ailments with no quick fix in sight. Well, I am here to try to help you resolve certain tasks and give you the tools to help you accomplish what you need to on a daily basis.  I would say "The road is long to recovery", but there is no such thing as for us, there is no "recovery" only "tolerance" and "need to adapt". We just need to chip at the old "To Do List Mountain" and relish our small accomplishments.

Aside from hopefully being able to write out suggestions to give you immediate and long-term results to help cope with your ailments, there are many resources out there which I will share on my blog. I will try to post something every week. Be sure to see my interviews starting with the "United for Care Group" YouTube link below.
