
In 2017 tens of thousands of patients in need of Medicinal Cannabis in the state of Florida were finally given access to remedies to ease their long-term suffering.  Here is one story among the chorus of those that can't or have the ability to speak up. A PATIENT'S POINT OF VIEW  By Rosemary Maseri. 420 Activist and Patient FUck!? WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME? Introduction I wake up every day, stretch out my body and Thank God for a new day of life.  I immediately take a “conscience tour” of my entire body. Within seconds I can feel the accumulated pains from a restless night and thus starts my day.....Every day.   I have a number of ailments these days. Years ago I began to notice pains here and there but at first, they were minor pains, the ones that creep on with age. But one after another they became prevalent and after a few years, chronic.  Nowadays I suffer from at least five chronic ailments. I begin to place a couple of drops to ease the symptoms of my